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4 Signs You're In Need Of Deck Repair

Mar 23

Do you think your deck is in need of repair? Maybe your deck has been exposed for many years and requires attention.

Perhaps the deck is getting old and needs a new stain.

There are many indicators that your deck is in need of repair, no matter the reason.

These are the telltale signs that you should look for when you repair your deck. All Pro Contracting is your best choice.

1. Railings Respond to Touch

Railings are more than decorative.

These are designed to prevent your family from falling off of the deck's sides. This could lead to serious injuries depending on the deck's height.

Schedule a visit with a Chicago contractor to inspect your railings and give you a quote.

Don’t ignore your railings when they start jiggling. Take action to prevent future injuries!

2. Deck boards in bad shape

Deck owners understand the importance of deck boards. These are the first thing that you see when you go to use your deck.

The wood may splinter first. This is a sign of early deterioration and should be addressed by an experienced Chicago general contractors.

Your deck may need to be replaced eventually.


If you notice signs of decay, it is important to immediately call an expert.

Rotting wood can be a serious problem.

Look out for discoloration to identify rotted wood.

Use a nail to push down the discolored wood. Rotted wood can be identified by the wood's inability to accept a nail.

It can also absorb water that is placed on it.


It is possible that the deck you are referring to was installed before your house was purchased.

It might seem like the deck is more of an asset than a problem. You may feel that you spend every weekend maintaining it.

These tedious tasks can only delay the inevitable. If you have deck problems, call a deck contractor.

You can remodel your deck any way you like.

Maybe you want to bring your deck in line with your backyard's theme. Contact a deck repair company to get their suggestions.

For more information, visit