All About Concrete Daily News

4 Reasons Concrete Should be Lifted

Jan 26

4 Reasons Concrete Should be Lifted


Concrete is a strong material that can be used to build many things, but it can also experience cracks and shifts if it is exposed to certain conditions. Concrete repair can often be done when damage occurs. You can lift concrete if you notice visible cracks, puddles, or sinking slabs. These are the top 4 reasons concrete should not be replaced:


1. Reduce your risk of injury

As a property owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your clients or tenants are safe at all costs. A slab that is damaged or uneven increases the chance of falling and slipping. Concrete repair near me is necessary. A damaged slab or an uneven slab can cause injury and other problems that could lead to financial ruin.


2. A simple and durable solution

If your slab is in poor condition, it can lead to more serious problems in the future. To avoid future problems, you must immediately lift your concrete slab. The process will only take about an hour if you are using polyurethane foam. Also, slab jacking can be less noisy than replacement and is cleaner.


3. Reduce water damage

Your home will be more susceptible to water damage if the concrete is cracked, uneven, or sunken. Concrete Lifting could reduce this risk. This will allow you to spend less money on many aspects, including foundation repairs.


4. It is less expensive

Concrete lifting can be less costly than replacing a slab. The average cost of slab jacking is $500 to $1200. The project size will affect the cost. You might pay twice or three times as much if you replace the entire concrete slab. If you replace the concrete slab, cracks will be common.


These are the top three reasons concrete should not be lifted. Lifting concrete can be a great option if you plan to sell your home. Concrete repair in Chesapeake VA should only be done by a qualified contractor who has the required skills and knowledge.



Paving Grind Chesapeake

Chesapeake, VA

(910) 240 6570